Maybe it’s because, for me, 2009 sucked. Sucked hard.
I lost my job.
My uncle died.
I had major surgery.
I spent 16 days in the hospital.
I had to wear a “drain” for 56 days.
I literally celebrated Christmas and New Year’s with toxic bodily fluids strapped to the outside of my body.
The only positive in this situation?
The only place to go is up!!
So, to commemorate what has kept me in high spirits this year, this is a list of the top 5 things that kept my mind happy and busy during 2010.
(Note: this list does not include any boring things like family or my new job- which I got in January)
Ranked in order of time spent thinking/reading/watching:
5. Musicals: Thanks in a large part to GLEE, my love for musicals has been renewed. I’ve always liked music and movies/television… so of course I am going to love anything that combines the two! This year, I channeled that love of random-bursts-of-emotion-in-song to off Broadway. (Or perhaps it is off-off-Broadway since this is the dirty south?) I went to see the Wizard of Oz in Birmingham in April, where I rambled on and on pre-show about how much I love the munchkins and little people in general. Unbeknownst to me, there was indeed a littler person (not quite a total little person) sitting two seats down from me. Needless to say, they found seats elsewhere during intermission. But nonetheless, it was a wonderful show, with scenes and songs that were cut from the movie. Then, in May, I went to see Mary Poppins in Atlanta. It was splendid. I did get chastised by an usher because I was taking pictures, but the show itself was superb. It differed from the Disney classic, but in all the right places.
4. Train: The band, not the mode of transportation. I have loved Train since I was 14 years old. I feel like I need to say that now, because I would never want anyone to think I jumped on the “Hey, Soul Sister” bandwagon. I did not. I was driving this bandwagon long before anyone had even heard “Drops of Jupiter.” Now, with that out of the way, I did enjoy the success of Train this year. You know that feeling when your favorite song comes on the radio? Even though you could easily switch the radio off and turn on the CD, there is just something about hearing it by chance over the airwaves. Imagine that, times about 100. They covered “Soul Sister” on GLEE and the Sing-Off, and sampled it on commercials for everything from washing machines to Reebok. I couldn’t turn on the TV without seeing the lovely and talented Pat Monahan hitting notes that I couldn’t hit when I was 5. I saw them live in Orange Beach in August, and they did not disappoint. “Soul Sister” is not my favorite song on their album, but when Pat held the microphone out and let the crowd sing the chorus, I died. I died.
3. Gossip Girl: When you are coming off of a drama high in real life, the only thing to ease you back into normal society is a little hair-of-the-dog that I refer to as GG. We started out 2010, by wrapping up Season 3. Chuck found his mother, but she wasn’t his mother (but she was). Lily has cancer, but she doesn’t. Rufus cheated on Lily, but he didn’t. So, in other words, a lot of story with no purpose. But, then… the greatest cliff hanger in GG’s short history. Chuck is shot in the streets of Prague and left for dead. Gasp! With a ring he was going to use to propose to Blair. Presh. Then, in the first part of Season 4, we get to catch up with all the UES, and see Serena in awful Parisian clothes. If you want to read about it, click here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, or here. I look forward to Mondays ONLY because of GG, and that has been very beneficial in getting me back to the productive world of the employed.
2. Auburn Football: You can’t live in Alabama and not love, or at least like, football. As an Auburn Alum, this has been a great year. I was enrolled at and living in Auburn in 2004, the last time we went undefeated and thought we were going to play for the National Title. So, this year has seemed like a “do over” for me. We finally get to play for the big one, and I almost hope they’ll let Tubs and Cadillac watch from the sidelines. Auburn has always been the red-headed step child in the state of Alabama, because really, who can compete with Alabama’s 13 titles or Bear Bryant’s legacy? No one, honestly. And I can say that, as an Auburn fan. But this year, the Tigers adopted a team slogan, “Do What We Do,” and that’s exactly what they did. They didn’t attempt to be Bama, they were just Auburn. And they won. And then they won again. And again. And before you knew it, they had moved from a preseason ranking of 22, to numero uno, practicing for the big game. Not to mention, along the way, Cam Newton was breaking records like they were tackles and racked up the university’s third Heisman Trophy. Gene Chizik has endeared himself to the Auburn Family, and the Tigers are finally getting to taste the victory and recognition that was denied the 2004 team. War Eagle!
1. Real Housewives… of Wherever: I have a theory- you’re definitely addicted to the Real Housewives franchise if you watch RHO Atlanta or New Jersey. Well, I watch BOTH, so I am beyond intervention. Literally- my DVR Season Pass Manager’s first 7 spots read:
1. Gossip Girl
2. Real Housewives of NYC
3. Real Housewives of OC
4. Real Housewives of Atlanta
5. Real Housewives of NJ
6. Real Housewives of DC
7. Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
I have a problem, and I acknowledge it. But I can’t, nor do I want to, stop. I can’t recap them all here, because, MY LORD, where would I start? In short, the girls from NYC went on a trip to Scary Island; they got evicted and divorced in the OC; someone gave birth to a full term baby at 7 months in the ATL; the NJ girls pulled out each other’s weave; they crashed White House parties in DC; and then we were introduced to what is sure to be the best RH of the whole franchise- Beverly Hills. These women have REAL money, are (for the most part) REAL housewives, and can throw down some REAL drama. I love it. So much. Too much.