I Bought You a Delicious Bass: Okay, I know that is from Napoleon Dynamite, but that's all I kept thinking when Christina was holding that fish (and I know it was a trout, not a bass). The significance? This may be too deep, but- I think she looked at her hands, and realized those hands had been in bodies, hearts... DEREK'S heart in particular. That she had saved people with those hands. And now? Now those hands were holding a trout. I think for her, that was her "I'm getting off the bathroom floor" moment that Izzie had after Denny died. She was waking up after her nightmare, and yes, she would still remember it, but she was moving on. Christina is back.
Fistula: I enjoy anything with Bailey, and this story was no different. Yes, it was kind of the funny filler for this episode, but I liked it. First of all, Avery is fine. Second, Lexie is my favorite right now. And the Virgin (sorry, I can't remember her name) was actually not annoying this time. I'm glad Eli will be around some more. Bailey needs some loving, and I like his attitude.
I Want to Marry Teddy: Do I like her? No. Am I switching teams? No. Do I have a pre-existing condition that makes it hard to pick up health care? Yes. What the crap kind of insurance does she have that he isn't going to have a "waiting period" where none of his pre-existing conditions are covered!? I have this problem... I can watch TV shows and fall into the most implausible storyline, but occasionally a small, mundane, nugget of that-would-never-happen pops up and I can't get past it. I completely recognize the fact that me being more upset at this than I was at say, Izzie having an affair with a GHOST, is MY thing. Grey's has great writing and great stories, and I am just a freak.
More on that: Aside from me being a freak show, I like Teddy marrying this guy. I don't think he'll die (We don't need a Denny part deux), and I've liked Scott Foley since Party of Five (wasn't that him?). As long as they don't make this some political platform for US health care, I am on board for this story and seeing how it plays out.
Lady Love: I'm glad Arizona is back. I love her. How is she going to react to the fact that Callie has been having comfort-hetero-sex with McSteamy? I think not so kindly. I'm not always the biggest Callie fan, so I'm not too invested in this.
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