Tuesday, September 21, 2010

We don't need tickets. I'm Chuck Bass.

Those 3 magic words, "I'm Chuck Bass." Finally.

Last night's episode wasn't wall-to-wall with insights or drama, but it brought about the return of the new and improved Chuck Bass, so it was all good with me.

One would think any scene with Blair (in designer clothes) and Chuck Bass (with a cane) would be divine- and one would be correct. I could have watched an hour of them standing face to face giving Jerry Maguire worthy lines to each other. "It wouldn't be life if you weren't in it." Precious.

Now, Serena, on the other hand, was running around Paris looking like a circus clown Magnum P.I. I'm glad she found Chuck, but could she have not done it in a more neutral color pant? And perhaps not some that were fashioned for M.C. Hammer? Ugh.

Eva- I like her. I don't like her enough to get over Blair. But Chair is nothing if there is not someone keeping them apart, and Eva is just likable enough for me to enjoy this. She is with Chuck to get back at Blair, and I think that's what is endearing. I can't wait to see how Queen B treats her when they are stateside.

Some friends and I recap GG every Tuesday morning, below are some golden nuggets:

Some Observations from Regina Philange (my GG BFF):
Serena's blue pants are redic
Dan and what's her name!?!?
Chuck's legs are weird skinny like an actual crippled person
Dan's sideburns are sick. Not in a good way.
Nate's story line is lame. They should just cut to him without his shirt on after each commercial break.
I don't know why I'm so negative.
Blair and chuck are the new Dawson and Joey except they wear designer vs. American eagle
Why is Blair lying about loving chuck?
The Juliet plot is thickening. Who is she on the phone with?
Is vanessa shrinking?
Thank God that baby isn't dan's. I feel like they are still going to raise it.
I'm glad Serena didn't get to just cone home and choose. I like her better single. Who do you think she was going to pick?

My Reply:
Yes. The best part of the whole episode was when Serena began wearing American clothes again.
Now Blair in that red dress. I almost became lesbi for a minute.
I like Vanessa. I don't really know why. But I liked her better with Nate because it was more complicated. She and Dan are boring!
I cannot wait to find out more about Juliet, and I concur about Nate being shirtless. And often.
I think it's the tight as crap Parisian pants that were making his legs look tiny. But dang if he can't make a cane look sexy.

"We don't need tickets. I'm Chuck Bass."

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