Sunday, February 26, 2012

Photo-a-day: Week 8

February 19 - February 25

After the traumatic event of last week, this week was quiet. I was off work for Presidents Day and my roommate and I took her niece and nephew to I-Jump in Birmingham. Then, I ended the week on a much needed, fun vacay with 2 of my best friends. 

Kids at church
I-Jump in Birmingham
It was late... this was a picture I could take without getting up.
Sonic... my fave.
I love the Oscars and I love my Entertainment Weekly.
My friend and her goofy bf.
In Murr-ville, GA for the weekend.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Photo-a-day: Week 7

February 12 - February 18

My friend's baby celebrated his first birthday on Sunday, and mine was the next day, followed by Valentine's Day. 

Then "The Incident."

Friday morning, I opened the door to the laundry room, and much to my surprise, my floor was completely blue. 

I stood there. Frozen. Incapable of processing such a mess so early in the morning. After a few long minutes, I realized that my liquid laundry detergent had hopped off the dryer (I assume it was the vibration and not my first theory of a Toy Story like scenario) and proceeded to pour its entire contents onto the floor. I imagined the mess being made while I was peacefully sleeping. And I thought for a moment, "I will never fully rest again."

I was defeated.

I could not process how to begin to clean up such a catastrophe. I teared up.

Then, I realized people have floods. People have fires. I was being ridiculous.
So, I got a broom. A dustpan. A big bowl. All the towels I could find. And I cleaned. I swept the liquid into the dustpan, dumped the dustpan into the bowl, and then emptied the bowl into the tub. That created quite a bubble bath that I then had to deal with, but domestic issues are not my strong suit. At the end of the day, I survived. My floor survived. I am sure that when I finally move the washer and dryer, there will be a reminder that may move me to tears. But as Scarlett said,

"I can't worry about that right now. I'll think about that tomorrow."

1 year old!
28 years old! 
My favorite part of Valentine's Day
Driving home from church
I was happy before the incident.
The Incident
Movie night with a friend

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fourth Quarter 2011

At the beginning of 2011, I decided to build upon the philosophy of the New Year's Resolution and make a resolution for every month. I blogged about them at the end of ever quarter (1st, 2nd, 3rd), and was completely honest when they were a bust!

Here is the fourth and final installment.

October: Relax
There are things at which I am good, and things at which I am not good. Relaxing would fall into the second of those categories (you can tell by my use of prepositional phrases where grammar falls). I own my shortcomings just as proudly as I do my strengths, and I can boldly say, "I am never relaxed." Sure, I have moments of reduced stress. Yes, there are days where I may even have an hour of boredom. But even when I am bored I am stressing about finding something to do. I blame it on genetics and a too-hyper mother, who gave me half m genetics... so basically, I blame it on my mom. In all seriousness though, I come from a long line of over-achieving, multi-tasking, people-pleasers... and that is simply a dangerous combination. The reason I chose to relax more in October is because I had more than one person tell me (angrily) that I needed to learn to "chill out." I thought, "Sounds like a good idea," but found myself stressing more about finding ways to relax. I did paint a multi-canvas picture one weekend when I was more stressed than normal. It did help. I've decided I am just a high-strung person. I like to be busy. Maybe not physically (have I mentioned I don't enjoy exercise?), but definitely mentally. I don't know how to "not think." The only way for me to "relax" is to think about or do things that are pleasant. Was it a successful resolution? Eh... I'm not sure. I didn't change, but I did realize that I'm okay with not relaxing more... so I would say I broke even.

November: Be Thankful
Every November, on Facebook, I am bombarded by people's daily status updates of what they are thankful for that day. I have a general sense of "who gives a..." the whole month. "Thankful for Starbuck's Pumpkin Spice Latte" just doesn't really encompass the true meaning of Thanksgiving to me. Instead of whatever mindless crap I was thankful for that second, I decided to make a list of things that I am truly grateful for every day... regardless of the month. (In no particular order, with minimal explanations)

Parents that are still married: because that's rare now
My sister: because no one knows you like your sister 
My education: because it gave me confidence more than anything else
Jesus Christ: because He would literally die for me, and did
My Crohn's Disease: because it has made me appreciate healthy days
Being born before1993: because my grandmother died in January 1993, and I am glad I got to know her
People that have hurt me: because they have made me appreciate people that don't
My car: because it was my first big purchase as a grown-up
Friends that know what I am thinking without me having to say anything: because sometimes I don't have the words... and it's fun to make fun of people in front of them and it's hard to do that with words
Southside Baptist Church: because a good church family can heal many wounds
Google: because, duh
My job: because I've been without one, and that sucks
My eyelashes: because they are long, and I don't have to work out to get them 
Knowing I don't need a man: because it makes me sad to see desperate girls
Disney: because who doesn't love a good fairy tale
The Gap Outlet in Boaz: because who doesn't love a $30 pair of jeans
Books: because there is nothing like getting lost in a fictional world
Facebook: because stalking used to be shameful
Being born in the USA: because it's 'merica and we're free and stuff
That I am not God: because I am not forgiving, and y'all should be grateful for this as well
Music: because it is healing for the soul, no joke
Having small feet: because it makes shoes look cuter
No allergy to tomatoes: because they are the best food ever
Art lessons: because I love to paint and I like that I at least have minimal legitimate skills
My kids at church: because conversations with 5 year-olds are the best
That my parents traveled with my sister and me: because not everyone gets to see this beautiful country
The Air Force: because it made my dad into a better man
Blue Cross Blue Shield: because who doesn't love some good insurance
Internet Movie Database (IMDb): because there is nothing more annoying than not being able to focus on a movie because you can't remember if the lead guy was in the OC or 90210
Living in the Southeast: because of the weather and football and hospitality, y'all

December: Wrap this Year Up
Well, let me start this by saying it is mid-February and I am just now finishing this blog post... so this month's resolution was obviously a failure. I resolved to not carry anything into 2012 that I could finish in 2011. I had planned on finishing The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, cleaning out my closet, updating my blog, emptying junk drawers, etc. Let's see.... I cleaned my closet out on the 2nd, finished my book on January 5th, and I'm obviously not updating this blog until mid-February. I believe I actually did clean out my junk drawers/piles before the New Year, but still... I can accept that I did not finish this year's resolutions on a strong note. But I will say this: This year was wonderful. I started out this year in a dead-end relationship, living with my parents, and in a general rut. I'm single, happy, living with one of my best friends, and trying more new things than I ever have. I am content with life, and I hope it continues to challenge me. So Happy New Year everyone... better late than never!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Photo-a-day: Week 6

February 5 - February 11

It's almost my birthday.

I started this week by going to my cousin's 4th birthday party at an indoor play place. I ended the week with my dad installing a ceiling fan in my apartment for my birthday.

Things change when you're old.

My cousin at his birthday party
Last Monday as a 27 year old
My sister taking a nap at 7 pm
Beautiful sunset
Love my boots
Hanging out with friends
I got a ceiling fan for my birthday

Photo-a-day: Week 5

January 29 - February 4 

I can't believe January is over. This week, I kicked @$$ at Temple Run, planned my 10 year reunion, had a colonoscopy, and cleaned a friend's house. 

Those are the high points.

Yeah boy
Little Charlie
Noted on the reunion
Wednesdays always leave my car a mess
Little Lulu
Fun day
This is how potatoes look in an all boy house