Thursday, September 29, 2011

Third Quarter 2011

I've mentioned before that I resolved to make a resolution a month for 2011, as opposed to a Yearly Resolution. 

This is the story of the Third Quarter.

July: Read a Proverb a Day
I undertook such a massive resolution for June (you can read that here and here), that as July crept closer, I was having resolution-block. I couldn't think of anything that seemed interesting, or in the least bit productive. I knew I couldn't give up at the halfway mark, but I was at a loss. Now, not to sound too much like a religious zealot, but I turned where I usually do when I'm at a crossroads: the Bible. I decided that if I opened to Proverbs and they had 31 chapter exactly (I know, I should know this), I would read one chapter a day for the month of July. Well, as luck, or King Solomon, would have it... there are exactly 31 chapters! So, for every day of July, I read one chapter of Proverbs... and I saw a few recurring themes:
1. You can't argue with a fool.
2. Your parents are smarter than you think.
3. Watch your tongue.
4. What is important to you when you're young and what is important to when you are older could not be more different.
I have often resolved to read the whole Bible through in a year, and I have yet to do so. This actually motivated me to try it, but on a more relaxed scale.

August: Be Healthier
For August, I decided to take on another health conscious resolution. To make sure I covered all my bases, I simply resolved to "be healthier." I would have to admit that this was, and all future similar resolutions will most likely be, a failure. It is just not my nature to decisively eat healthy, exercise, bla bla bla. I am not terribly unhealthy (I'm in the lower end of my weight range and I do monitor the spoonfuls of Crisco I eat)... but I detest working out. I actually detest vegetables and working out... which severely limits my "be healthier" options. I went to the gym a few times, I ate more salad than usual... I'd call it a wash.

September: Identify Myself
For those of you who care, or may not know, I re-entered the dating world this past January, after almost 4 years out of the game. I didn't really start dating again until this month, September. I realized the first thing people want to know is, "What do you like to do?" or "What are you interested in?" I always thought I knew the answers to these questions. But once I really examined my life, I realized that so many of my so-called "hobbies" were tied to a friend or ex-boyfriend. So this month, at the risk of getting a little too Eat, Pray, Love-ish, I decided to rediscover myself. For the most part, I was who I thought I was. My passions? They vary from day to day really. But you know what I really like to do? Be happy. I like to be inspired. I like to find something so funny that I laugh even when I am all by myself. I like to get caught up in a book to the point that I miss the fictional characters more than I do my real-life friends.Sometimes I like to watch mindless comedies, and sometimes I enjoy a foreign film with subtitles. I contradict myself daily, but I think that's okay. People that say "never" and "always" and limit themselves are usually miserable, because they don't allow themselves to grow or change. Wow... am I on a soapbox? I think I am getting away from myself. Back to task: My resolution for September was to discover who I am, and I think it was a success. I'm just Jessica.