Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Whofore Art Thou, Juliet?

Fashion's Night Out: I loved Serena's dress at FNO. It was loud, but it was very S and very fancy. I did not like the dress that Blair wore to her first day at Columbia. I couldn't really figure out what the pattern was, or if there even was a pattern. It was odd. I liked all of Juliet's clothes, although they seem to be maybe one size too small for her.

Rushed, Perhaps: I felt like some of last night's episode was rushed. 1) They wrapped that is it/isn't it Dan's baby story up QUICK! Georgina came back, explained, and left with Milo, in like 15 minutes. That was weird. 2) And the whole Key debacle seemed to get tied up too fast as well. It was off beat to me. I felt like we needed more S vs. B time. I didn't like the whole "We taped ourselves fighting to trap you." Like the girl said, "It's not a party without a Serena/Blair showdown," and I felt that way, too. Then Lily busting up and saying that "as expected" Serena has always been on the top of the list. If I was Blair, that would have pissed me off. 3) Rufus and Eric kind of got over the whole "Attempted Rape of a Minor" thing in one commercial break. I love Chuck and I think getting shot and left for dead negates SOME wrong doings, but he left on such bad terms with Rufus that I feel like there should have been more of a discussion between the two.

Juliet, Juliet, Who Art Thou: Who is this girl!?! I have no idea who the inmate is (and I've Googled it). Was her plot to tear down all of Manahattan's Elite? I can't wait to find out her game. The only theories I have, and they are very vague ones- it has something to do with that whole stealing money scenario that went down a couple of years ago, or Serena "killing" that guy. The only problems with those that they are actually Serena/Georgina centric, and Juliet's revenge seems to be focused primarily on Serena only. However, she did mention to that guy in jail that "The guys were easy", so that makes it seem like she had a vendetta against them, too.

Quick Bits: I don't like how they say Eva's name. I want to pronounce it like Ava, but they pronounce it Eva, as in "Foreva, Foreva, Eva". Blair's hair has been looking a little rough. I can't express how much I DON'T miss Jenny. Rufus is kind of being a douche lately. Eric is acting extra whiny. Nate totally took me by surprise by picking Juliet after she was "exposed" last night. Vanessa and Dan need to get the heck out that apartment (and Brooklyn) or they are going to be on that train to go meet Jenny. Also, I think Eva's secret next week is that she is a hooker.


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