This was the best episode in weeks... months maybe!
It started off with the Queen B berating her minions over Skype... and being that I love Blair and I love Skype... I knew I'd be a happy camper.
Blair has no doubt bitten off more than she can chew at W. I could tell from the first sight that there would be a Post-It mix up disaster, and it did not fail to deliver. It also cam as no surprise that Serena busted into Blair's place of employment asking for her help. Now, Serena has commented on every episode since Christmas that Blair is "too busy" and has "too much going on," but S deemed it appropriate to pile one more thing on her? Serena's selfishness never ceases to amaze me. But Blair is an undeniable over-achiever, and an addict of schemes... so of course she accepted.
The scheme? To get Eric off the hook for a $100,000 drug deal that somehow involved tulips. Damien was blackmailing Eric to complete this drug deal, by saying that if the drugs were not delivered, Lily would be outed as the forger that she is! Now, I watch Gossip Girl enough to know that the Van der Woodsons can buy themselves out of any trouble... so I don't understand why all the hoops are being jumped through to keep Lily out of trouble. I know what I'd do... I'd call that judge and blackmail HIM into making the whole situation disappear... or I'd pimp Serena out to a Senator and take some pictures, and just nip this thing in the bud from the TOP!
Moving on... In other news, Dan pops in to save the day for Blair at W. Really, he is just trying to take her to lunch as a thank you for reading his article, but come on... we both know they are just making excuses to see each other now. So Blair gives him an assignment: to complete whatever is written on a certain Post-it. Of course Dan messes it up and grabs the Post-It that says "Pick up tulips." And thus, Dan is turned into an unknowing drug mule.
BUT! Blair hasn't been sleeping well, and she wrote the wrong color tulips on the Post-It... so Dan is actually just a flower delivery boy. That seems fitting for the boy from Brooklyn.
Elsewhere in the UES, the Thorpe takeover of Bass industries is getting close. Lily and Chuck stage a fake fight, so that Russell thinks his plan of divide and conquer is working. Lily then takes Russ out to lunch, while Chuck breaks into his offices using the codes that the Captain embezzled last week.
Meanwhile, Nate is babysitting Raina, so that she doesn't bust Chuck for B&E... and so Nate can talk Chuck up and she will fall back in love with him. Chuck, I love you... and I would always pick you over Nate... but maybe not pick such a hot friend to entertain your love interest next time. Nate and Raina end up playing Wii, eating Ice Cream, and making all kinds of memories all day... and by the end of the day, she couldn't have picked Chuck out of a line-up.
This pairing makes more sense to me anyway. Nate needs a story, and they actually have some chemistry... as much as you can have with a robot like Raina. I want Chuck good and single when Blair and Dan finally hook up... because I want him to lose it... and so, he doesn't need any distractions.
Back to the tulips for drugs scenario... It just happens to be Eric's 18th birthday, and Lily has planned a piƱata laden theme party for a lot of his friends who have never before been seen on the show. Well, other than Damien, who busted in and demanded his hundred grand for the drug deal gone bad. Serena and Eric immediately go to opening all of his birthday gifts to find his trust fund (how do you wrap a trust fund?) so that he can pay Damien and make this all go away. Lily busts them mid-check and finally takes some responsibility... she will pay Damien. Wow, bad guys never win on GG.
Ben makes like the good ex-con he is and threatens Damien into giving back the money. Vanessa witnesses this altercation, but lucky for Ben, everyone hates Vanessa, so there is no one she can tell. But Damien runs right to Russell Thorpe and offers him information on the VDW/Basses in exchange for $100,000... Damien needs to learn- ask for $200,000 and make a profit! Geeze. That's why you're a drug dealer and not a businessman.
Back to Dan and Blair... Blair is exhausted, just like her pseudo-boyfriend has been telling her all day, and she has forgotten to write the blog she was assigned. She discovers it has been written, and she knows it was Dan. She jets over to the loft to thank him, and they end up eating pizza and watching A Philadelphia Story.
Oh, and Blair had on two different shoes all episode, which apparently in the UES is the same as being completely naked. I thought they looked fine as a pair. Better than anything Vanessa wears.
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