Saturday, January 15, 2011

Better Late Than Never

I'm in a snarky mood. You've been warned.

Last week on Grey's, there was a mass murder at a local college. Let's all hope that this gives everyone the closure they need.

Because, I, for one, am ready to move on. This mass murder has been milked for all it's worth.

Here's what we learned:

Ginger kids will always be outcasts, and therefore are the most likely to shoot up their school.

Lesbians can hold grudges even harder and longer than hetero women.

When Dr. Hunt is screaming about the need for ALL AVAILABLE DOCTORS, he isn't including himself, because his place is running around looking through windows at Christina... even though he is THE trauma surgeon.

All it took to get Christina back in the saddle was to jam her hand into a man's chest. Duh.

Oprah is, in fact, married, and her husband is a well-liked professor at a college in Seattle.

Not all doctors take a Hippocratic Oath, some take a Hypocritic Oath, and will only operate on people they deem worthy. (Yeah, I'm talking to you Avery.)

Pacific College has the most depressing Alma Mater I have ever heard.

Now, there were some moments, that even I could appreciate:
Anything involving McDreamy still melts my heart.

I also thought it was genius how "Chuck" was the man that Bailey saved in this episode, since "Charles" was the doctor that died in her arms in the original mass murder.

Mark and Lexie are making headway, and I am on board for that. He looked adorable when he was stitching up that girl's arm. Presh.

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