This week's episode sucked.
What? It did!
Reasons? Well, I'm glad you asked.
1. Who moved my Chair? There is no way, NO WAY, that Blair would be okay with Chuck having "relations" with someone else... much less trying to set up such "relations". The only part of this scenario I actually bought was when Chuck and Blair were on the phone and C told B to "watch it" or something of that nature. I'm insulted that the writers expect me to forget the passion... the love... the jealousy, that so defines Chuck and Blair. It disgusts me. Ugh.
2. Really? Another party? I don't live in New York. I don't work at a big time magazine. So, forgive me if these things actually happen, but why is W having another party so soon? And why, in the world, would Dan and Blair be allowed to attend? Didn't they WRESTLE at the last party? This is one of the major plot holes that GG has: they try to convince the viewer that this is a lifestyle that is unattainable but for the high and mighty... but they seem to let any Tom, Dick, and Ex-Con in at the door. I don't buy the exclusivity, and therefore, the parties always seem more immature than inaccessible.
3. You mean the drug dealer isn't an honest man? Who would have thunk it? Damien is not a good person? I never would have guessed that. All I have to go on is the selling drugs and all his past indiscretions. Oh, you say I should have known? Yes, I should have. Good one Dan and Eric. Idiots.
4. Raina on my parade. I could not, and will not, get on board the Chuck and Raina Traina. The back and forth of "he's using her" and "he loves her"... Truth is, I didn't fully buy either one. I was left feeling more confused and ambivalent towards the whole story. They hid in the same place? Bogus. He's willing to give up his hotel for her? Bull. I can not stand this story and I want her to leave.
5. Serena and Ben. They don't deserve a cute name or a witty lead-in. They are boring. Selfish. So Serena and Rufus worked up this idea of Dan and Ben being roommates? I don't blame Dan one bit for being pissed. I wouldn't want to live with him either! Not too mention that Serena is his sista-lovah, but the guy is kind of a creeper. Sure, he's not technically a sex offender, but he is weird. "You put Max Cady in the living room." -Dan's Cape Fear reference was the #2 quote of the night.
6. Un. Be. Liev. Able. There is no way. No way to Sunday, that Blair would get Epilepsy's job. No way. LAST WEEK- Blair was wrestling with Dan in front of the Editor. I love Blair. I think she could run the country. But would she be given the chance after she Salahi'ed the State Dinner? No. So, be clear... it's not that I don't think Blair can do the job, and do it well... but this whole scenario is redic.
Also unbelievable, but surprisingly not that surprising... Nate's favorite movie is Sound of Music?? Hmmm... of course, Nate has been so uber-boring lately that this actually made me like him. I had forgotten what it was like for Nate's character to have any depth. I had written him off as simply a pawn for Chair and Derena. Of course, this little gem of knowledge provided me with maybe my favorite line of 2011... "It's got nuns and Nazis!"
Did everyone hate this episode? Am I just a snarky, miserable idividual?
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